The Company
Acoustic and Decorative Panels
Our 15 years of experience in the wood industry give us an in depth knowledge of wood manufacturing, its characteristics and qualities.
We take care of the all the production process ranging from the selection of the best tree logs to finishing treatments. We consider wood as a unique living material therefore natural features such as notches, outgrowth and colour variation can be clearly seen in our products.

Four Generations
1870. Founder: Ramón Calvet.

In 1870, Ramon Calvet opened a wood warehouse in Gran de Gràcia Street, in Gràcia, a neighbourhood of Barcelona. His son, Isidre Calvet, learnt the business from his father working there. When Ramon passed away, the company was sold, because Isidre was too young yet to run it alone, he was only fifteen years old.
Isidre started working for another warehouse in the same neighbourhood on the Travessera de Gràcia, called Fustes Nonell, which was an important company in the wood industry. After working there more than 25 years, a financially stronger company asked him to open a bigger warehouse than the one operated by Fustes Nonell.
Isidre accepted their proposal, so they opened the new warehouse, called Maderas Sarda, and started leading its commercial department. The company quickly expanded and opened more stores.
Some years later, the most important wood companies in the national market, Maderas Sarda and Maderas Colomer became merged and a new company was created, Maderas Colomer Sarda.
The newly formed company had five warehouses in Barcelona, one in Olot and another one in Terrassa. And, when Zona Franca was built, in Barcelona’s Port district, they opened their biggest warehouse there.